9. Are you satisfied with your jobs? What do you like/dislike about them? We are quite satisfied. Richard dislikes unsocial hours. Fenella enjoys contact with people. 10. How much money does each family member earn/month? Richard: 1400 £/month ($2185 US). Fenella: 300 £/month ($470 US). 11. What are your total expenses each month for: Food: 420 £ ($655 US). Clothing: 40 £ ($62 US). Total: We spend everything we make. 12. What is your family's energy consumption and cost? Electricity: 600 £ ($940 US). Water: 180 £ ($280 US). 13. How much waste do you generate; and how does your family dispose of its waste? Dustmen collect all rubbish. Family Possessions 15. What is each family member's most valued possession? Why? Richard: Enterprise sailing dinghy. Alice: Flute. Eleanor: Cat. 16. What other possessions would you like to acquire? No specific desires. 17. What do you perceive as the signs of success? Happiness, stable relationships. 18. What decorative or heirloom objects do you own? We have ornaments, pictures, candles. No old heirlooms. 19. Do you value new things or old things more? Why? Old things, because they are more difficult to replace.